Sunday, May 13, 2018

Stepping Into Excellence - The Godly Lifestyle - Introduction

Stepping is the act of taking one step at a time. Excellence is a quality of being outstanding.
Our society offers a variety of lifestyles to choose from. The kingdom of God which is God’s way of doing things and thinking offers one lifestyle – the Godly lifestyle also referred to as the kingdom lifestyle. The Godly lifestyle is a Spirit-led life and it is only available to the believer who makes a choice to live godly. Stepping into excellence will mean stepping into a lifestyle of exceptional qualities and this is only possible and available for the sons of God. It is a life lived from the inside – out by the help of the Holy Spirit. There are many bible characters who took steps to excellence, thereby living lifestyles of exceptional qualities for God’s glory. Examples include but are not limited to Abraham, Moses, Daniel, Paul, Esther, Ruth, Timothy, Mark, etc.
One of the greatest challenge children of God will face while on this earth is saying “No” to mediocrity (the good ways of doing things) and “Yes” to excellence (God's ways of doing things). As children of God, we must settle it with us to live in obedience to our Father through His word and then build our lives upon the foundation of the word. As we do, our battle will not be so much about evil and good but more about “good” and “better or best”. Let’s cease from getting comfortable with where we are, what we do, how we live and press into a higher level which is the level of excellence (which is God’s way of doing things).
Stepping into excellence will require seeking directions through the Word and prayers on how to properly align ourselves with God’s purpose for our lives, make up minds to be fruitful and productive, equipping ourselves with resources in order to be a blessing to our generations, refusing to settle for the status quo and pressing-on to do things the godly way, etc.

So join us as we begin this series, stepping into excellence.

Revealing A lifestyle of Excellence - Prayer For You

Father, thank you for teaching us this season using the life of Jethro as an example. He was indeed a man who lived a lifestyle of exceptional qualities. We say thank you, Father, for your word this season because through it, our eyes have been opened to see the benefits of living a godly life by how we represent ourselves. We have been privileged to get a better understanding of the benefits of godly counsel. Also, we have learned how important it is for us to live accountable lifestyles to you, our family and the people around us. And as a way of becoming even more efficient in our duties, our eyes have been opened to see that wearing multiple hats is not unusual and we can get better in the various areas of responsibilities.

Therefore, Father, we declare this day that we are moving from a place of mediocrity to a place of excellence. Excellence in our speech, excellence in our work/duties, excellence in how we carry ourselves and represent you, excellence in our knowledge of who you are, excellence in our study of your word; excellence in whom and what we choose to keep company with; excellence in how we care for our families; excellence in the management and use of resources; excellence in our stewardship; excellence in how we give and receive information; excellence all around.

Father, we are grateful to know that it is possible to live an excellent lifestyle. I declare today that your children will receive grace to grow, excel and prevail. In Jesus Name. Amen. 


There is an endless list of individuals in scriptures who served as instruments of change in the lives of others. The frequency of th...