Sunday, February 25, 2018

Why Keep Company With The Word

Before we examine the various ways in which we can keep company with the Word; let’s begin by understanding why we should keep company with the Word. Amen.
In all our getting, let’s get understanding (Proverbs 4:7) because a person who understands what they do and why they do what they do or why they do what they are told to do will benefit most. Amen.
-It is a godly thing to do. Please do not keep company with the Word because it is a good thing to do. Let’s begin reshaping our mindsets. Start refraining from doing things just because they are good things. Do things or do something because it is a godly thing to do. Why? A good or bad thing done is based on your opinion while a godly thing is based on God’s opinion. Amen. Godly actions will eventually yield or lead to good actions. Good actions do not always yield/ or lead to godly actions. So let’s be very careful.
-It is an opportunity for you to understand your Father God and His expectations for you.
When you understand your Father better, you will relate with Him better, and you will benefit from the relationship more. When you understand Him through the Word, you will know firsthand what he expects from you and what you can expect from Him. There is no other way to get this information than through the Word.
-It is your manual for living. If you want to know how you were designed to function and why you are here on earth, there is no better place to consult but the word of God (bible). In it, you will receive step by step information and instructions.
-It will help you resolve confusion (s) by guiding you in the right direction as concerns decision making. Are you experiencing any form of confusion? I have a solution for you. The Word of God.
-You will experience growth and increase in all applicable areas of life.
-You will be better Christ representer here on earth. You will become knowledgeable about how to establish the kingdom of heaven.
-Above all, it is the best companion you can keep and be guaranteed that you will reap a good harvest.

When next we meet, we will talk about the various ways in which we can keep company with the Word. Amen!

Companionship - Introduction

Companionship is a topic that is relevant in the life of every person and in every season. We are grateful for the opportunity to delve deeper into this topic of interest and learn the biblical perspectives of companionship. As you listen to the messages this season, I encourage you to begin making changes, adjustments by applying the word that comes your way.

For the purpose of the study, a companion is a person or thing with whom one spends more time with. Therefore, companionship refers to company.
This sounds like a very easy and familiar topic, however, this is where most people get it wrong even in the Christian circle. Do not get complacent. Listen, every one of us can benefit from a companionship restructuring or overhaul. Whatever season you find yourself, if you examine your life very closely, you will find an area in which you can do better, talk better, act better, think better, read better, write better and more. As the messages come to us this season, please do yourself a favor not to exempt yourself from the life-changing encounters as a result of the transformation that comes from the Word. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you understand even beyond the words spoken through these recordings. Let your minds be receptive, be open to learn and grow.

So much will be addressed in this series – we will learn who and what to keep company with, how to purposefully choose our companions, consequences of wrong companionships and more. All of these will be learned from the Word of God.

Companionship is a topic of interest that the Word of God addresses in every book of the Bible in different ways. The reason is simple; it is all about relationship. Relating with skill. Did you know that we can all benefit from any and every relationship if we do so skillfully? Very true.

Proverbs 13:20 (ESV)
Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise,
    but the companion of fools will suffer harm.

1 Corinthians 15:33 (NASB)
 Do not be deceived: “Bad company corrupts good morals.”

The Words in scripture are inspired. They are not regular words. It is a risk at your expense to undermine what the bible has to say for whatever reason. You must have heard Proverbs 13:20 and 1 Corinthians 15:33, and just maybe you did not take them seriously and as result, justified why you had to keep the wrong company. Guess what? There are consequences to disobeying the Word of God. So next time, when you quote these sentences, remember no one is exempted (you are not too holy to become a victim of circumstance, you are not too strong to not be influenced by negativity). Proverbs 13:20 and 1 Corinthians 15:33 are without any exemption. Now is not the time to make excuses or give benefit of doubts. No! Seek counsel if you must because, the truth, remains the truth.
Let your testimony be that of the Psalmist as quoted in Psalm 119:63
I am a companion of all who fear you, all who keep your precepts.
Join us, as we get practical in our spiritual walk. Amen!


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